Register your interest
English Heritage runs a number of programmes of works for maintenance and repair of the buildings it cares for and welcomes applications from skilled companies wanting to tender for projects. There may also be other tendering requirements covering related goods, services or works including Estates, Marketing, National Projects, Fleet and Resources (IT, HR, Finance).

See our current tenders
Click the button here to see details of current tenders. This will show published tenders that are currently live.
Supplier Charter
Please take a moment to read our Supplier Charter – this sets out our own commitments and expectations for any supplier that we work with. This is a binding part of any contract and we carry out annual audit activities to ensure that what is set out here for both parties continues to happen in practice.
Routine Cyclical and Planned Maintenance
There is a huge amount of work needed to keep our historic places safe and secure with a lot of routine maintenance tasks done throughout the year. We use a local network of contractors for this work who provide services speedily at competitive prices.
Conservation and Repair
We have a programme of small projects aimed at essential repairs. The value of projects is usually less than £20,000 but can be up to £100,000 and for these requirements we will source suitable suppliers from our registered list.
For larger projects (over £100,000) these will usually be procured via open competitive tender – with thorough evaluation and consideration of best value and outcomes.
Other Goods, Services or Works
Our current policy requires us to run a competitive procurement for contracts valued over £5k in total. Contracts are advertised openly on our procurement system and meet Government transparency requirements, including advertising via Find a Tender or Contracts Finder when necessary. Suppliers can register their interest on our system and will be sent automatic notifications when open tenders are being sought.
Terms and conditions
It is our standard policy to contract on supplied EH or alternative specialist terms (e.g. framework OR JCT). These will be supplied as part of the procurement process for information and a signature copy supplied at point of award. If terms are not supplied directly the standard purchase order terms will apply alongside any supplied order confirmation or purchase order.
As we work towards improving and embedding a sustainable approach across all activities – we also have ambitious targets for the strategic suppliers we work with. We encourage engagement in a sustainable vision and we are working towards 80% of this group having visible climate action and net zero targets by end of 2025.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Through our refreshed EDI strategy and actions we intend to better support our members, visitors, employees and others that have a link to our sites and places of work. Through effective procurement – we may ask suppliers to share ideas for more effectively meeting EDI objectives and keeping this priority at the heart of what we do.